I know what you're thinking, a new post two days in a row-he's damn near prolific! It isn't that, it's just that something really bugged me, so here goes:
I covered about 40 miles today, long for me. As I tooled down from the hills where we live to the coast where we don't, it warmed up, just a tease I see now, as I wound up riding home in the rain, knowing I was going back to them hills, and the temperature dropped this time. It was a great day though, a good ride indeed.
What struck me (everything strikes me, you know) as I rode was all of the trash strewn about on our lovely formerly a rail line bike path. It had roadie written all over it, unfortunately: lots of those stupid-I can't believe people consume that stuff-gel squeeze carb things, squished on the asphalt like banana slugs. But the item of equipment that iced it for me was the inner tube. The inner tube was hanging from a sapling about 10 feet off the path, obviously tossed aside by a roadie who felt "hey, I've been inconvenienced by this flat tire" and that they just had to get back in the race...the one in their mind, that is. It was clearly a road bike size, no doubt about it being off of a Target mountain bike, I really don't think I would have minded it as much if it was from a civilian, but no, it was from "one of us". Did they think that the local group who sponsors that section of the path would be by soon on their regular morning cleanup and cart it off, just grateful to feel like a volunteer at a real race, helping out Levi by giving him a shove to get going again after a mechanical?
Folks, in these times of bike lane wars in NYC, people riding naked through the streets of Portland, and a general us against them mentality that pervades the dialog as the country comes to grips with a lot more cyclists on the road, please, please, please, clean up your shit. Don't give the motorheads anything they can use against us, you know what I mean?
After I got to the coast, a little more than halfway into my ride, I passed a "Bike Lane" sign that had been vandalized-but not in the usual destroy mangle rip rend style. Very neatly, someone had taken a can of black spray paint and made one clean horizontal line each through the bicyclist logo, and also the words "bike lane" below it. It looked so deliberate that it succeeded in communicating something very clearly to me: this person has animosity towards cyclists. Please, keep it clean, let's not give them a reason.
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